Sana will leave soon, this is the last time Kobo kanaeru played with Sana, Kobo kanaeru’s graduation song to Sana … Sana is ETERNAL !
This is the adorable Baby Moona from Hololive, this is a chibi model I created using Live2D
If the model appears distorted, please try clearing the temporary data of the webpage.
Mouse tracking : yes
Touch the head : 5 types
Sana will leave soon, this is the last time Kobo kanaeru played with Sana, Kobo kanaeru’s graduation song to Sana … Sana is ETERNAL !
This is the moment when Gura and Ina meet and greet each other, and they communicate with each other in Wah language, which is really cute.
This is an animation created to celebrate Gawr Gura’s birthday. The animation will feature a jazz-style Gura BGM , and it will showcase many cute Gura looks.
This is Dino Gura is playing Epic Sax Guy’s meme, She seemed to be having a great time playing, Epic Sax Guy this music is still very classic.
This is a cute kobo singing Talalala song, kobo singing Talalala strange sound is also very cute, cute to want to pinch kobo’s little cheeks.
Have a Cute day !