Kobo kanaeru singing chipi chipi chapa chapa dubi dubi daba daba, A cute kobo cat dancing 😺(1 Hour Perfect Loop)
This is one of Kobo’s classic karaoke performances. Lately, I’ve been thinking, a cute Kobo singing such cool hip-hop, with a background of a cool car, it’s definitely awesome!
#しぐれうい #KoboKanaeru #粛清ロリ神レクイエム #Hololive 粛聖!! Kobo神降臨~☆ Song origin :【オリジナル楽曲】粛聖!! ロリ神レクイエム☆ / しぐれうい(9さい)
The animation features Kobo singing the Chotto Matte song with some slight modifications to enhance the overall interest and appeal. It’s absolutely adorable!
Kobo Kanaeru joined in and sang along to the “Kuru Kuru Kururin”, I created this song and animation to have the cute Kobo also sing along to Kuru Kuru Kururin !
This is the animation about kobo & waffled, anyway, kobo is really bouncy 😆 waffle falling over 🥺
Kiwawa and Kobo animation. It brings to mind a mother singing a lullaby to soothe her child, which inspired me to create this animation.
This is a short part of Kobo Kanaeru is cover of “I’m Your Treasure Box” and she sings it really well. I turned it into an animation and dressed Kobo in Houshou Marine is outfit.
This is an animation of Pekora singing a lullaby while holding a rabbit, and eventually falling asleep herself, Pekora is really very cute !
This is a Christmas animation They each sing “Padoru Padoru” in a chorus animation and are dressed in their own unique Christmas costumes.