#Shylily #Kobo #Animation
This is an animation of Shylily responding to Kobo Kanaeru womp womp, Kobo super cute, Shylily even had the idea of protecting kobo, this is a very classic animation.
◉ Source ◉
【Dono Reading + Chit Chat】 malem-malem enaknya ngobskuy【Kobo Kanaeru / hololive ID】
◉ Hololive – Vtuber ◉
Kobo Kanaeru Ch. hololive-ID / Kobo Kanaeru / こぼ・かなえる
◉ Independently – Vtuber ◉
More Animations
This is a cute Dinosaur Gura, Dinosaur gura is waving the glow stick to cheer you on! The sound of her cheering will keep you energized all day long !
This is a dino gura asmr, cute gura crazy lick shrimp shrimp, shrimp will be eaten? Actually this is the gura asmr who is making meatloaf.
This is an animation created to celebrate Gawr Gura’s birthday. The animation will feature a jazz-style Gura BGM , and it will showcase many cute Gura looks.
#しぐれうい #KoboKanaeru #粛清ロリ神レクイエム #Hololive 粛聖!! Kobo神降臨~☆ Song origin :【オリジナル楽曲】粛聖!! ロリ神レクイエム☆ / しぐれうい(9さい)
This is a super cute gura anime, she jokingly said classic lines with shrimp, shrimp scared, but the end is a super cute ending, you can not miss the gura anime.