#Koyori #GawrGura
This is the adorable encounter between Gawr Gura and Hakui Koyori. They met earlier in the Japanese studio, and this hug is also incredibly cute.
◉ Source ◉
【 #こんこよ24 】GWだよ!24時間配信2枠目!~ミリしら・学力テスト・ぶっちゃけholoX・深夜ゆる凸待ち・デュエットカラオケ・ENと遊ぼう!~【博衣こより/ホロライブ】
◉ Hololive – Vtuber ◉
Gawr Gura Ch. hololive-EN / Gawr Gura / がうる・ぐら / 噶嗚·古拉
Koyori ch. 博衣こより – holoX – / Hakui Koyori / 博衣こより
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